Opening of the Swissmint Boutique – a unique place where the history and art of numismatics and the Federal Mint of Switzerland, Swissmint, come to life.
Swissmint is now also on TikTok.
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Come and visit us! Our tours give you a fascinating glimpse behind the scenes at Swissmint – an experience not to be missed!
Swissmint reel “5-franc production” goes viral and gets 1.5 million views in a few days.
Our new packaging machine arrived in June. Meet Wilhelm, who gets hands-on support from two other robots, Helvetia and Vreneli. Together they are an unbeatable team, taking our production processes to a new level.
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Two Olympic medallists visited the Swissmint stand in Aarau at the 200th anniversary celebrations of the Swiss Shooting Sports Federation.
The Boutique opened its doors for the first time on the day the “Switzerland” special coin was issued.
Several new coins were launched this year!