“Switzerland” Special Coin

176 years on from the adoption of the Federal Constitution, the Federal Mint Swissmint launched the “Switzerland” special coin on 12 September 2024.

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“St. Nicholas” Special Coin

In the run-up to St. Nicholas Day 2024 and the publication of this magazine,
Swissmint is issuing the last special coin of the year: the “St. Nicholas” special coin.

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World Money Fair 2025 Guest of Honor Swissmint

In just a few weeks, we will be celebrating 100 years of the 100-franc Vreneli.

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Interview with Chiara Principe

The coin designer Chiara Principe created the 100-franc Vreneli, which will be presented for the first time at the WMF next year. What is it like to touch an iconic coin?

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Highlights 2024

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Highlights 2024

Special Coins in 2025

Auch im nächsten Jahr dürfen Sie viele neue und spannende Swissmint Sondermünzen erwarten.

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Review of Special Coins in 2024

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Numismatic Exhibitions

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Swissmint’s Architectural Highlights

The Swissmint building has many surprising architectural highlights.

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Swissmint’s Architectural Highlights

2024 25-Franc Gold Coin

It looks back at the classic 25-franc gold coins from 1955, 1958 and 1959, and marks the beginning of a new annual special coin that will be issued from 2026.

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News from the World of Numismatics

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Swissmint Boutique

A unique place where Swissmint’s numismatic history and art come alive.

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